DeSales Service-Learning Benefits All

Incorporating service and learning into coursework is always a beneficial experience and one that students take advantage of. DeSales University Doctor of Physical Therapy Program is ensuring that students get the most out of their education by incorporating this service-learning method into their courses. The DeSales Doctor of Physical Therapy program has a Pediatric Physical Therapy Clinic where students provide services free of charge for six weeks.

Students are given the opportunity to put what they are learning in the classroom into practice while helping those that would not normally be able to afford the services they are offering. The students are under the mentorship of a professor and are given feedback on each of their client appointments. One student noted that “We are used to sitting in the classroom all day and learning about these conditions and diagnoses. On top of that, knowing that we’re helping out kids that really need therapy, it’s just an indescribable feeling.”

To read more about DeSales program, visit DeSales news.

Saint Vincent College Hosts ‘Wrap for Kids’ during Christmas Season

Saint Vincent College Education Department has concluded a community service effort called, “SVC Wraps for Kids.” This was a collaboration with the Westmoreland County Children’s bureau and Children First Fund. During this effort the “SVC Education Department shopped for Christmas presents that went to children in need across Westmoreland County.” Students also raised funds to cover the cost of wrapping paper and materials. In past years, SVC Wraps for Kids has served more than 700 children and has been continually grow year after year.

To read more about this event, visit Saint Vincent College news.

St. Thomas Aquinas College Students Hold Santa Fest to Support People to People

St. Thomas Aquinas College communication students recently hosted a Santa Fest to support People to People. People to People has an initiative called Project Joy. Project Joy seeks to provide holiday gifts to children in more than 800 low-income families in Rockland County. Students dressed in holiday-themed costumes for a Santa Fest and joined the #GivingTuesday movement on November 28th to raise awareness and donations for Project Joy. #GivingTuesday is a “global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide.” Diane Serratore, executive director of People to People, states “I am thrilled to partner with STAC students and join the #GivingTuesday movement because Project Joy isn’t just about toys and gifts during the holidays, it’s an opportunity to raise awareness of hunger in Rockland.”

The #GivingTuesday Santa Fest at St. Thomas Aquinas College will feature a festival gathering of scores of Santa-clad students posing for pictures, taking challenges, and enjoying games. Over 800 families in Rockland County will be served from this holiday gift drive all while spreading information about People to People’s mission.